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راهنمایی قدم به قدم بازی DMC: Devil May Cry

بازديد : 6878 |
درباره : guides , |
تاريخ : شنبه 26 اسفند 1391 زمان : 14:28


مراحل :



1: Found

Going through the first part of the funfairGoing through the second part of the funfairBoss: Hunter

2: Home Truths

Exploring the first part of the mansionThe First MemoryExploring the second part of the mansionThe Second MemoryExploring the third part of the mansion

3: Bloodline

Defeating the first group of monstersFinding the Blue RoseThe First MemoryReaching Kat

4: Under Watch

Destroying the first cameraReaching next camerasDestroying the second cameraDestroying the third cameraThe escapeGetting out of the cathedral

5: Virility

Getting to the breachGoing through the first warehouseMain battle in the first warehouseGetting to the second warehouseGoing through the second warehouseMain battle in the second warehouseGetting to the mixing roomMain battle in the mixing room

6: Secret Ingredient

Escape from the tunnelGetting to the Succubus' lairBoss: Succubus – first part of an encounterBoss: Succubus – second part of an encounter

7: Overturn

Getting to the prisonGoing through the first part of prisonGoing through the second part of prisonGoing through the third part of prisonReaching a one-eyed prisoner

8: Eyeless

Pursuit of harpies – part number onePursuit of harpies – part number twoRetaking the stolen eyeReturning to starting area

9: Devil Inside

Getting to AssielThe first memoryReturning to Phineas

10: Bad News

Getting to Bob BarbasBoss: Bob Barbas – first part of the battleBattle with the first group of monstersBoss: Bob Barbas – second part of the battleBattle with the second group of monstersBoss: Bob Barbas – third part of the battle

11: The Order

Getting inside the building of the OrderExploring the Order's buildingExploring the Order's baseFinal battle in the Order's base

12: Under Siege

Protecting KatSaving VergilMain battle in the server room

13: Devil's Dalliance

First battle in the night clubGetting to the place where the first round takes placeSurviving the first roundGetting to the place where the second round takes placeSurviving the second roundGetting to the place where the third round takes placeSurviving the third roundGetting to the place where the fourth round takes placeSurviving the fourth roundGetting to the place where the fifth round takes placeSurviving the fifth roundGetting to the place where the sixth round takes placeSurviving the last sixth round

14: Last Dance

Boss: Mundus' Spawn

15: The Trade

Going through docksGoing through the city

16: The Plan

Reaching Mundus' towerExploring the tower's ground floorExploring the 87th floorExploring the 105th floorExploring the 106th floorGetting to the elevator on the 106th floorExploring the 154th floorGetting to the main core

17: Furnace of Souls

Going through the first part of the Furnace of SoulsFirst battle in the FurnaceGoing through the second part of the Furnace of SoulsSecond battle in the FurnaceGoing through the third part of the Furnace of Souls

18: Demon's Den

Reaching the vaultRestarting the first generatorRestarting the second generatorRestarting the third generatorRestarting the fourth generatorPlugging the cables

19: Face of the Demon

Getting to the place of duel with MundusBoss: Mundus – first part of an encounterBoss: Mundus – second part of an encounter

20: The End

Boss: Vergil


Mission 1: FoundMission 2: Home TruthsMission 3: BloodlineMission 4: Under WatchMission 5: VirilityMission 6: Secret IngredientMission 7: OverturnMission 8: EyelessMission 9: Devil InsideMission 11: The OrderMission 13: Devil's DallianceMission 15: The TradeMission 16: The PlanMission 17: Furnace of SoulsMission 18: Demon's Den

Secret Doors

Mission 1: FoundMission 2: Home TruthsMission 3: BloodlineMission 4: Under WatchMission 5: VirilityMission 6: Secret IngredientMission 7: OverturnMission 8: EyelessMission 9: Devil InsideMission 11: The OrderMission 13: Devil's DallianceMission 16: The PlanMission 17: Furnace of SoulsMission 18: Demon's Den

Lost Souls

Mission 1: FoundMission 2: Home TruthsMission 3: BloodlineMission 4: Under WatchMission 5: VirilityMission 6: Secret IngredientMission 7: OverturnMission 8: EyelessMission 9: Devil InsideMission 11: The OrderMission 13: Devil's DallianceMission 16: The PlanMission 17: Furnace of SoulsMission 18: Demon's Den

Bonus missions



Achievements and Trophies

امتياز : نتيجه : 1 امتياز توسط 4 نفر مجموع امتياز : 4

نمايش اين کد فقط در ادامه مطلب
برچسب ها : تصاویر بازی DmC Devil May Cry , خرید اینترنتی بازی دویل می کرای , خرید پستی بازی Devil May Cry 5 , خرید پستی بازی DmC Devil May Cry , دانلود از سرور Multiupload بازی DmC Devil May Cry , دانلود بازی Devil May Cry 5 , دانلود بازی DmC Devil May Cry , دانلود بازی DmC Devil May Cry برای PC , دانلود بازی DmC Devil May Cry برای ویندوز , دانلود بازی دویل می کرای 2013 , دانلود بازی دویل می کرای برای کامپیوتر , دانلود رایگان بازی DmC Devil May Cry , دانلود رایگان بازی DmC Devil May Cry نسخه Reloaded , دانلود لینک مستقیم بازی DmC Devil May Cry برای PC , دانلود لینک پر سرعت بازی DmC Devil May Cry برای کامپیوتر , دانلود مستقیم بازی DmC Devil May Cry , دانلود نسخه blackbox بازي DmC Devil May Cry , دانلود نسخه Reloaded DmC Devil May Cry , دانلود نسخه Reloaded بازی دویل می کرای برای PC , دانلود نسخه بلك باكس بازي DmC Devil May Cry ,
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